أ.د/ اسامة محمد أبوسعدة

Principles of discrete probability with applications to computing. Basics of descriptive statistics. Distributions, including normal (Gaussian), binomial and Poisson. Least squared concept, correlation and regression. Statistical tests most useful to biomedical sciences: t-test, ANOVA and chi-squared. Design of experiments and testing of hypotheses. Statistical analysis of data from a variety of sources. Applications of statistics to performance analysis, reliability, and accuracy of tests and results.

أ.د/ اسامة محمد أبوسعدة

The course aims at studying the theory, design, and implementation of text-based information systems. The course introduces IR core concepts on an abstract level, in addition to a design and an implementation of an IR system utilizing the acquired knowledge from the course. The course introduces several state-of-the-art IR concepts, as well as, trendy case studies in modern IR. After this course, students are expected to be able to design and implement a fully functional text-based retrieval system utilizing the acquired knowledge from this course.

أ.د/ حسن الباتع